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Grace Christian Co-op of Niles exists to glorify God through the education, support and encouragement of like-minded homeschool parent-teachers and their children. We exist to function alongside and in support of parents as they navigate through their homeschool journey, and in support of children as they grow in knowledge, grace, and truth. 

GCC also exists to provide mutual encouragement to other homeschool parents through fellowship and friendship through the joys and difficulties of homeschooling life.




The co-op will function as an affordable option for local homeschool families. In order to make this affordable, each family must have a parent stay to either teach or co-teach for the duration of the hours that their child(ren) are in classes. GCC is a collaborative group, which means that all members and leaders work together towards their mutual educational and enrichment goals for their children.


Statement of faith


The leaders of Grace Christian Co-op of Niles (GCC) are in agreement with the Statement of Faith of Redeemer Church, and this is the statement of faith that will be used to unify our group. It is the opinion of the leaders of GCC that Redeemer's Statement of Faith is unparticular and broad enough to unify believers from many different backgrounds within the Christian faith. 

All teachers must agree to use only materials and curriculum that align with this Statement of Faith. By committing to teaching a class, the teacher is affirming that, while they may have different personal views on particular doctrines of the faith, they will in no way attempt to teach anything that would contradict the Statement of Faith.


GCC affirms that it is primarily the parent’s role, along with the church of their choosing, to teach their children the particular doctrines of the faith that they believe.  


Redeemer Church's Statement of Faith can be found at:

What We Believe | Redeemer Church

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Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
-Proverbs 22:6

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